
What We do

Backtesting your idea

Since, backtesting is most important step in everyone’s trading journey, one should never skip it. We offer rigorous backtesting for your strategy on almost last 10 years data. It will make you decide about the strategy whether it should be apted for trading career or not. 

Most challengeable task in backtesting is to get clean set of data also backtesting option strategies based on indicators. However, we assure you that you can just share the strategy details and rely on our expertise.

Improving your idea

Once you are done with backtesting with your strategy there will be only two options: 

1. if strategy has worked well in past then there is chance it will work in future also in this case we can go for automating the strategy you have 

2. if strategy is having some drawbacks we will suggest you some modifications based on our experience and if then you are agreed to go for modified strategy after backtesting the same, it will be automated.

This is the most crucial step before automating the strategy. We have seen many traders who backtest the strategy and leave it without thinking about modifications if backtesting report is not as expected. However, we assure you we will provide you best modifications if needed. 

Automating your Idea

This is the the final step in your journey for deploying your strategy live. Once you agreed upon strategy which you want to deploy we will convert the strategy conditions in programming language’s logical statement and you are all set to deploy it live.

We use python programming language for automating the strategy. Code will scan the multiple script and make the positions within milliseconds and that’s the ultimate edge for algorithmic trader over others.

tradingView Indicator Development

We provide you most reliable and accurate tradingview indicator/strategy as per your requirement. Tradingview is best platform to apply strategy and check automatic buy/sell signals according to strategy.We use pine script for developing the strategy/indicator in tradingview.  In pine script we can create any type of strategy and also backtest the same for any instrument you want.

You can share the strategy details by clicking here.